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Macmillan Mighty Hike, June 24

Jul 1, 2024

1 min read



We nearly got washed away, but we did it!

Our 26 mile mighty hike in the beautiful lake district to raise money for the incredible charity, Macmillan Cancer Support is complete.

None of us have ever done anything like this before, and I have to admit we were nervous.  Sara and I took the approach of preparation is everything.  We hiked every other weekend for two months before the event, building up from a start distance of 9 miles up to 20 miles. However our steely companion Rick felt that he had this and didn’t need to train, so just set off one day from his house to ‘see if he could do it’.  Seven and a half hours later, and 28 miles, he admitted he’d never been in so much pain in his life. . . . .   We all have our own ways.

Let me tell you about the weather.  It rained.  It rained from the minute we set off until we arrived at the finish line.  We were so wet we thought we were going to dissolve, but it didn’t dampen our spirits and the atmosphere amongst all the hikers was uplifting and kept us going.


We finally made it to the finish line in eleven and a half hours, feeling absolutely exhausted and completely ready for a hot shower and a pint of ale.


Basically, we had a blast and are already thinking of what challenge to do next year.

Jul 1, 2024

1 min read



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